As I prepare for my annual writer retreat, I am reminded of the pleasures of leisure activities. Taking a walk, reading a novel, and playing solitaire; these are all activities I enjoy when I am trying to quiet my mind. The season matters of course. Summer and Spring I am pretty busy and just cannot afford to quiet my mind. Winter is the dryest season, but somehow, it is always brimming with excitement. Fall is…fall is quiet upfront, but my mind is always moving. Fall is for reflection of the current year, new plans are created, and visualization of goals for the next year dance in my mind.
As the trees change color, so does my focus. I look forward to this time no matter where I am in the writing process. I learned during my last retreat that I am capable of so much more with intent focused, beautiful surroundings, and unlimited music and food. This year I will be using my retreat as the kickoff to National Novel Writing Month. While the official organization is in shambles because it supports technology that puts me and other indie authors out of business, I am still excited to participate in the annual tradition. The entire month of November I will be writing every day. My goal is to complete the first draft of my 4th novel. My completion will be signified by the release of the official title and prayerfully the cover.
Fall means hard work for me. For the last few weeks, I have been enjoying my free time on social media and watching TV shows, but now it is time to buckle down and give my characters the happy ending they deserve. I would like to thank all my supporters and helpers in advance. Being a writer often feels like a solo journey. When friends and family are in my corner, I feel like there is a village cheering for me along the way. I need that.
I will leave you with this poem.
As the leaves float to the ground;
I must quiet my mind to the small sound.
Moving fast to meet my characters at the end;
In silence, I must retreat to apprehend.
The genius that is the creative thought;
The talent and flow I often fought.
With love and grace I humbly bow;
For the finished product, I will be quiet now
But only until the last leaves fall;
Because love will always win it all.
~Tanela Hicks