Thank you to all. The Dreams of the Heart Book Launch was amazing. I felt so incredible loved and honored. My dream of completing my first novel came to completion. Every element of the party was exactly like I dreamed it would be. I ask the Lord to show me my story and He did. I ask him to help me show others, and He has. God has brought me and my creativity so far and I have full faith that he can do the same for others.

This party was a small private affair and I promise to have a bigger more public celebration in the next few months. Until then please show your support by purchasing Dreams of the Heart on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other major book retailers. If you have read my debut novel already please review and like the book online on Amazon or GoodReads. Look for more news and information coming soon about my writings and book right here! 


Tanela All Others, Books, Dreams of the Heart

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