I am excited to share with you some recent work and reveal some of my novel work.

SHAKESPEARE Magazine features uplifting content on life, fashion and inspiration. The owner Rebecca Strong of RJS Fashion provides people everywhere with a piece of herself through her unique jewelry and accessories collections. In addition to running a business, she spreads positive words and fashion tips in her publication. I am honored that she has allowed me to be a contributing author again this month. Please take a look at the fall 2016 free edition of SHAKESPEARE Magazine. Click here to download your own copy now.


I have had a lot of people ask how my writing is going, and I would like to thank them for their continued interest. Writing is going well and the Lord continues to bless me with new and refreshing ideas to write about. I have two additional projects in full swing and just like with my first, my goal is to share the story. Dreams of the Heart is my first novel. It is completed and ready for the right agent to come and help me by getting it into the hands of readers everywhere. This story holds a special place in my writing journey. The characters in the story are as familiar to me as my true friends are. I have cheered for Jamice’s breakthroughs and prayed for Sasha’s revelations. I know that it may sound a little crazy, but one of my favorite quotes says:

“Writes aren’t exactly people. They’re a lot of people trying to be one person.”

~F.Scott Fitzgerald author of The Great Gatsby

Today, I will be sharing a little of my heart with you. To read the first two chapters of Dreams of the Heart click here. Writing is a compulsion that does not go away. I will continue to write and share for as long as I can and as long as GOD allows.

Tanela Books, Writing

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